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Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions

Prefects Report - Vice Admiral Keth - 1
For: Prefect
Posted By:
Posted On: December 14, 2008

The newly appointed Prefect of the Hammer's Fist itched at his new Dress Uniform, they were always so itchy when you first wore them, they never fit right like the old one used to. Walking up to the podium he took his place at the front of the Assembled troopers, in view of the Commanding Officer of the Emperor's Hammer. They had placed their utmost trust in him, to rebuild one of the most respected sections of the fleet now he hoped he did not disappoint.

-= EH News =-
Keth D'Jek resigned as the Communications Officer and has taken on the role of Prefect of the Hammer's Fist with the resignation of Mordechi 'Priyum' Wolfe due to RL issues. Go me!

Maverick is the new EH Executive Officer, Congrats.

-= HF News =-

Operation Hair Trigger has finished up, though the participation rates were rather depressing, I am happy to see that people were actually doing something, congratulations to those who participated and earned medals.

Mordechi 'Priyum' Wolfe resigned as Prefect of the Hammer's Fist due to RL commitments and former Executive Officer Keth D'Jek took his place.

Applications for Executive Officer of the Hammer's Fist were opened up last week, and a few applications were received. Congratulations to our two new General Staff members, both are veterans of the Emperor's Hammer. Congratulations to the new Executive Officer, Brigadier General Rico Stone and out new Commander of Operations Brigadier General Baron.

-=WIP's and Notifications=-

Major General Zsinj is working on rebuilding the Hammer's Fist site so the code is more intuitive and easier to use. I have seen part of the site that he is making it looks fantastic and will be released to the public ASAP.

Rico Stone and myself have been working on the Merit Medals and Competition Medals for the new Hammer's Fist, and have submitted our proposed plan to the FC and XO, we hope to hear back some good news soon.

-=PRF Comments=-
The Hammer's Fist is starting to rise again, with the groundwork having been laid by Priyum, the work that needs to be done by the rest of the General Staff is much easier. At the moment, we have a working website, a core group of members who are interested in rebuilding the Fist, now all we need are some willing soldier to participate in the competitions.


Prelude to Glory

-= Quote of the Week =-
<@VA_Keth> and Baron is open to new Mission/Competition suggestions
I have something for him, if he cares to listen to a latrine-washer.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lt.General Keth D'Jek, Prefect, Hammer's Fist Legion
PRF/LG Keth/GS-1/VSD Reprisal =S, AVN, SEA, ST, SD, SC, SZ, AIR, SR, SU, INST, CC, FT=

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