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Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions

PRF Report #1 - 0
For: Prefect
Posted By:
Posted On: September 29, 2009

Office of the Prefect
Major General Astin reporting in for the Hammer\'s Fist Stormtrooper Legion
September 29, 2009


It\'s been a week since a new staff was appointed to lead the Hammer\'s Fist, and so far I think we are making a great deal of progress! This first week has been spent implementing a new rank system and structure that I believe gives the Hammer\'s Fist a good, workable base that will allow it to operate as smoothly as possible as we continue into the future. You can view all of the ranks, positions, and policy changes in the Hammer\'s Fist Field Manual here: \"http://hf.emperorshammer.org/HFFM/\"

A couple things of note: \"Fire Team\" is displayed as \"Team\" on the database, mostly because of length reasons. However, as outlined in the Field Manual, a Team is a \"Fire Team\". Also, General Staff is now officially called \"Special Operations Command\", with the abbreviation of SOC. This was done for two reasons: One is because Colonels are now allowed on the Staff, making the name \"General Staff\" obsolete. Two, we want to focus on the fact that we are essentially a legion of \"special operations\" troops.

What you will now see on the roster are the new units. One unit not shown on the roster is the largest parent unit, called \"1st Special Operations Brigade\". Two Battalions are assigned to this Brigade, but only one is currently active and displayed: 7th Sky Battalion. This Battalion consists of three Companies, two of which are currently active: 66th Direct Action and 1st PsyOps. These companies are grouped based on a similar interest in base platforms, so the majority of the people in the 66th prefer gaming while the majority in 1st PsyOps prefers RP. This simply makes managing activities easier and is by no means \"segregation\" as there are no strict rules against anyone participating in whatever they would like. Following that, each Company will have 3 Detachments assigned to it, called \"Aurek\" \"Besh\" and \"Cresh\". Each Detachment will then have 3 Fire Teams each that consists of 6 troopers per.

The old units are still on the roster and are housing people who have not yet responded to the multiple AWOL check mails I sent out. They have 2 more weeks to respond, after that the units will be closed and they will be moved to the Homeguard. So if you are reading this report and have not yet contacted me, please do so ASAP!

Continuing on, Special Operations Command (formerly called General Staff) has been filled out and we have a staff of very skilled and hard working officers. BGN Ric Hunter is doing an excellent job as my number two man at Vice Prefect, which was renamed from Executive Officer to avoid confusion with the EH Command Staff position of the same name. Former Prefect MGN Keth D\'Jek has taken over as Commander of Operations, which has also taken the responsibilities of the now dissolved Commander of Maneuvers position. COL Rebelkiller has come onboard to work on the CSMA as Commander of Training, and LGN Zsinj is doing an excellent job as always as the Commander of Internet Affairs. Things so far are running smoothly with SOC so far, and we\'ve been getting a lot of the groundwork finished so that we can get the Hammer\'s Fist back on it\'s feet.

Our next step, which we will be jumping into in the coming days, is getting activities running and recruitment. There is already a runon going on the HF message boards (eh.stryfe.net), and LCP Sirius is working on a very good character sheet/development project that will really flesh out the Hammer\'s Fist\'s roleplaying program. For those of you who can game, now is the time to dust off those CDs and get back on the servers! We need to make ourselves known out there, so if you have any friends that would like a friendly gaming environment and would like to help the Hammer\'s Fist become relevant again, point them in our direction!

That pretty much sums up what has been going on in the Hammer\'s Fist the last week or so. Things are looking really bright in our future, but remember that this is a team effort--from the brand new PVT all the way up to the highest ranking General. To close, I\'d like to remind everyone that my door is ALWAYS open, so email me or message me on IRC if you have any concerns, gripes, suggestions, or just want to talk. I\'d love to hear from you!


Major General Astin,
Prefect of the Hammer\'s Fist Stormtrooper Legion

PRF/MGN Astin/SOC-1/VSD Reprisal

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