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Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions

CT Report# 2 - 0
For: Commander of Intelligence
Posted By:
Posted On: October 10, 2009

Office of the Commander of Training

Report# 2




Welcome to my second report as the Commander of Training (CT). I am still trying to clean up some of the CSMA’s and will be an ongoing project for a while. There has been great activity with troopers taking CSMA’s. Every week I will be putting out a report to let everyone know who has been completing CSMA’s and which ones.

==New Graduates==

PFC Sanson en Carlsberg completed on October 5, 2009

==Imperial Officer Training Course==

LCP Sirius Clay completed on October 9, 2009

==Apprentice Sniper Course==



LCP Sirius Clay completed on October 9, 2009

==Stormtrooper Certification==

PFC Sanson en Carlsberg completed on October 5, 2009

==Field Tactics Certification==

LCP Sirius Clay completed on October 9, 2009

==Master Stormtrooper Certification==



SSG Jaison Longorior completed on October 10, 2009
LCP Sirius Clay completed on October 10, 2009

==Expert Sniper==


==Apprentice Demolitions Technician==

LCP Sirius Clay completed on October 10, 2009
GSG Torres completed on October 11, 2009

==Demolitions Technician==

SSG Jaison Longorior completed on October 11, 2009

==Senior Demolitions Technician==


==Field Communications Operator==


==Advanced Field Communications Operator=

GSG Torres completed on October 11, 2009

==Cold Assault Stormtrooper Certification==

GSG Torres completed on October 6, 2009
PFC Sanson en Carlsberg completed on October 10, 2009

==Vehicle Course - Stage 1==


==Vehicle Course - Stage 2==


==Vehicle Course - Stage 3==

SSG Kal Vau completed on September 30, 2009

==Vehicle Course - Stage 4==

SSG Kal Vau completed on October 1, 2009

==Scout Trooper Course==


==Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper Certification

LCP Sirius Clay completed on October 10, 2009

==Combat Medic==


==Desert Assault Trooper Certification==


==Naval Stormtrooper Certification==


==Military Intelligence Basic Course==


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