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Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions

CT Report #3 - 0
For: Commander of Intelligence
Posted By:
Posted On: November 1, 2009

Office of the Commander of Training

Report# 3




Welcome to another Report brought to you by the Commander of Training (CT). I have reviewing the CSMA’s and it making changes as I go through them. This is a project that currently has no set end date at this time. I still encourage everyone to take the available CSMA’s that are available.

==New Graduates==


==Imperial Officer Training Course==


==Apprentice Sniper Course==

PVT Drakell Ortis completed on October 21, 2009 with a score of 100 out of 100



==Stormtrooper Certification==


==Field Tactics Certification==


==Master Stormtrooper Certification==




==Expert Sniper==


==Apprentice Demolitions Technician==

PVT Drakell Ortis completed on October 21, 2009 with a score of 100 out of 100

==Demolitions Technician==


==Senior Demolitions Technician==


==Field Communications Operator==

PVT Drakell Ortis completed on October 21, 2009 with a score of 100 out of 100

==Advanced Field Communications Operator=


==Cold Assault Stormtrooper Certification==

PVT Drakell Ortis completed on October 21, 2009 with a score of 100 out of 100

==Vehicle Course - Stage 1==

PVT Drakell Ortis completed on October 22, 2009 with a score of 80 out of 100

==Vehicle Course - Stage 2==


==Vehicle Course - Stage 3==

SSG Kal Vau completed on September 30, 2009

==Vehicle Course - Stage 4==

SSG Kal Vau completed on October 1, 2009

==Scout Trooper Course==


==Aquatic Assault Stormtrooper Certification

GSG Torres completed on October 21, 2009 with a score of 96 out of 100

==Combat Medic==


==Desert Assault Trooper Certification==

GSG Torres completed on October 21, 2009 with a score of 100 out of 100
PVT Drakell Ortis completed on October 22, 2009 with a score of 100 out of 100

==Naval Stormtrooper Certification==


==Military Intelligence Basic Course==

GSG Torres completed on October 21, 2009 with a score of 100 out of 100

==Jungle Operations Certification Course==


==Radiation Trooper Survival Course==

GSG Torres completed on October 21, 2009 with a score of 100 out of 100

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