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Hammer's Fist Open Command Positions

February 2016 - 0
For: Prefect
Posted By: MGN Zoryn Archenksov
Posted On: February 12, 2015

Attention Troopers: this is your Prefect speaking.

I’ll try to keep this letter short.  There are three main issues I want to discuss with you this month: the January MSEs, competitions, and the Commendations of Loyalty.  I’d also like to take a moment to congratulate LCP Jabis Ravenhawk and PFC Dunta Polo on their promotions this morning.  Congratulations as well to all of our members who received merit awards for their efforts in January.  Keep up the good work!

January MSEs

I was very pleased to receive all three squad evaluations on time this month, and after some lag time in processing on our end, I have approved and issued the medals recommended by the SLs and BGN Drachen.  


In January, my main focus was on the command structure: hiring two new SLs and pushing them and our veteran officers to get back into the habit of running competitions and issuing reports and medals.  In February, it appears that I’m going to be harassing the grunts.  We have several ongoing competitions, covering gaming, fiction, and flash gaming, but participation has been much weaker than I had hoped for.

Go get those CoDs, Troopers!

Commendations of Loyalty

I’ve been discussing the CoL issue with the FC and the other SGCOMs, as well as my SOC.  Without going off on unproductive tangents, suffice it to say the the January 7 CoLs are not going to be issued in the immediate future; this has been a problem in the past and I expect it will continue to be one in the future.  In the HF, we managed to get our recommendations together back in December, and I don’t see why awards should wait in limbo for months due to issues with the higher-level EH.  To that end:

I’m not pleased that the situation came to this, but I think this is the best way for us to move forward.

Finally, my apologies for issuing this report a week late.

For the Fist,

PRF/MGN Zoryn Archenksov/SOC-1/VSD Reprisal =S, AIR, CC, MD1, SN3, DT2, VS3=
[SoV, CoD-sss, -bss, WSM-XoV]

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